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Tzen or with his full name Tzenwaxolokwauhtli Tzatzoehetzin, is a doctor, spiritual and energetic healer as well as an incredibly knowledgeable teacher in the tradition of the Aztec black society. The medicine is called Wewepahtli, the great healing. He represents the line of the “Smoky Black Mirror” which contains the teaching about the movement of the four forces, called “Nawi Ollin Teotl” in Nahuatl.The Tetzkatlipoka tradition is part of the Mexikayotl or Aztec culture and aims to develop awareness. The basis of this tradition is the teaching about the “Nawi Ollin Teotl”, the four holy powers, which has been developed over the past 5,500 years. This knowledge is only passed on as an oral tradition and has been preserved over the centuries and protected from white men.In 1989 the elders decided to open the Tetzkatlipoka tradition and share their knowledge and practices with humanity. Tzenwaxolokwauhtli (Tzen) is the carrier of the medical system in this tradition.

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